Feeling like a disillusioned child who suddenly found out there's no Santa Claus (kids if you're reading this, I'm only kidding, there is a Santa), I'm starting to come to terms with the fact that my queen is not the angel she appears to be. Queen Rania of Jordan, the most recent object of my admiration and respect (contending only with my one true love, Renee Zellweger), has suddenly fallen from her pedestal; 'suddenly' only to me as I've refused to see the truth until now. And I have to admit, for me, it stings, though she probably never felt the fall, and was never aware of the precipice to begin with.
Queen Rania of Jordan has always been presented to the western people as nothing short of the Arab Princess Diana. She has spearheaded such initiatives in her country as creating socio-economic opportunities for women with the Jordan River Foundation, and she annually adopts schools in her country to drastically improve the buildings and provide much needed school supplies with her Madrasati movement. She not only grappled with culturally taboo topics such as female equality, child abuse, and honor killings in her region, but she also treks the world promoting causes such as education for all children, including girls, bridging the cultural gap between easterners and westerners, and calls attention to various issues women around the world are facing.
However, many have come to argue that, in spite of her work, the queen is more interested in publicity and awards than the well-being of her own country. The royal family enjoys a lucrative lifestyle, with private chefs, numerous staff and nannies, and plenty of vacations around the world to Italy, London, and the US. While the king travels in style on various models of the Airbus private planes (one he purchased in 2007 cost anywhere from $250-300 million, and he just received two more earlier this year), the queen makes various appearances at events around the world strutting about in designer outfits with matching pumps and purses (though she has previously claimed much of her wardrobe is donated).
Now many claim that such is the lifestyle for royalty and politicians and they live no higher on the hog (no pun intended for you anti-pork people) than any other royal family. However, Jordan is a poor country that is heavily dependent on foreign aid, especially from the US, who recently donated $150 million for Jordan's struggling budget, in addition to the $660 million we've already given this year. But, in spite of the $1.3 billion they've received in total, the majority of the people still live in poverty, struggling to feed their families, acquire safe drinking water, and survive the harsh winters. Many are angered by the monarchy in Jordan for various reasons, be it political or personal, but most notably complaining about overspending that could be put to better use for the people in the kingdom.
Unfortunately, complaints are rarely heard by the royals. Despite King Abdullah's bid to modernize Jordan and help it progress to a democracy, in the remaining autocracy it is still a crime to criticize the king or the government, punishable by 3 years in prison and hard labor. But that hasn't stopped some people, as the Washington Post reported yesterday. Rights activists were recently fired for demanding more pay for government workers, and 15 teachers were fired for organizing a peaceful protest regarding their low wages. And as the public dissent increases, the restrictions keep building. The Post announced that the monarchy intends to restrict freedom of speech on the internet, publicly claiming it's due to excessive pornography, privately allowing that they want "professional journalism" in place of the slander that continues to grow. But what is slander? The law doesn't seem to specify between spreading personal rumors such as marital discord between Rania and Abdullah or calling the king out on his poor choices that affect the entire nation.
But you would never know there is unrest or such extreme poverty in Jordan, partially due to the tight restrictions, and partially due to a fantastic PR team. The Royal Press Office releases several official photos and news stories to the public glorifying charity work and political progress. Television specials always show citizens shouting love and appreciation, but neglected the incident where a woman approached Rania and pulled her hair in frustrated betrayal. Interviews and magazines from abroad always manage to paint a pretty picture of the queen and life in Jordan. When appearing on the Oprah Winfrey Show in 2006, a segment was shown depicting a day in the life of three Jordanian women. It showed clips of working mothers, women who chose or did not choose to wear the veil, women going to exercise classes and even women who ordered Domino's Pizza. However, after this show aired, many who lived in Jordan or were familiar with the typical Jordanian lifestyle were outraged, claiming the show only provided a view into the lives of the higher social classes, the wealthier who can afford to live in Amman. One poster in a forum commented "they showed people who order out for pizza while the majority of Jordan can't even afford a loaf of bread to feed their children". It was as if someone had filmed life in Beverly Hills as an example of standard life in the US, despite the fact that the majority of us are closer to the Pomona lifestyle. And the propaganda continues on promotional tours. Interviews are scripted, questions are pre-approved; the 2010 Oprah appearance bore a striking resemblance to the previous, save a different outfit. An appearance on The View gave us a look into the show if it had been run by a fascist as the panel sat nervously and sputtered out superficial questions that seemed to be pre-assigned and numbered (Sherri Shepherd nearly soiled herself when she realized she accidentally interrupted the queen and Whoopi Goldberg practically begged the queen to answer a question, as if she wasn't there for that to begin with). And ironically, the conversation always steers directly into Rania's internet usage.
Rania first burst onto the internet scene when she created a YouTube Channel to address the increasing stereotypes against Muslims that had developed in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. Engaging both people from east and west, videos were made, discussions took place, and bonds were built during the 4-month long initiative. But the channel was not without its drama, and many posters from both sides came to mindlessly argue, to stir up emotions, or to just insult the queen, usually quite brutally, though most comments went unmoderated. The channel garnered worldwide attention for Rania not only for the topic itself but her willingness to use technology to accomplish an agenda. She also frequently stated that she used the internet to get closer to people and hear their true opinions and thoughts above and beyond the quiet, fearful reverie that comes with face to face exchanges with a queen. However, once the initiative was over, Rania moved on to greener pastures (Twitter), and despite promises of returning to "check in" at YouTube, hasn't looked back after leaving her devoted followers in the dust. She still banks on the success of the channel in interviews as recent as April, but hasn't addressed the group that worked so hard to make the channel a success in over two years, leaving us feeling abandoned and somewhat used.
So, in spite of using the free internet to accomplish various goals, be they activism or publicity, and requesting honest, open exchanges of opinions in a place "where titles mean little and everyone is free to say what they please", Rania's husband has taken a step away from freedom and democracy and edged closer to Iranian policies of internet blackouts when discourse arises. A Jordanian citizen posting under careful anonymity on a message board stated that since the publication of the Washington Post article, at least two Jordanian blogospheres have been shut down and access to several sites have been denied, though the government claims it's due to pornography issues. However, as a result of the publication, many people with internet access, much like the aforementioned poster, are finding ways to made their voices heard on the world wide web. The Post has ignited a small firestorm in which accusations, insults, and frustrated cries for help have flown freely as people contend with past and present behaviors of the royal family. In trying to regain control of a country fed up, how far will the king go before the rest of the world catches on?
My (three) readers know how I feel about freedom of speech rights, and while it's never fun to have lies about your personal life in the papers, it's part of the territory when being in the public eye. And while you may not like being told you're doing a terrible job, it is within the rights of the affected to call you out on it. Where would we be if we weren't able to call our former president a gump-faced blown up baboon ass bastard when he significantly contributed to the failure of our economy by giving billions of tax payers' money to millionaire bankers? Well, we'd still be in a recession but then we wouldn't be able to bitch about it. Rulers and politicians that legally restrict criticism are doing so because they already know they're not doing their job. If you were working purely with your country's best interest at heart, you wouldn't need to worry about people talking trash. And if they still did, you would at least know it's because they're bastards, not because of you.
Now where Rania fits into all this, I'm not even sure myself. She has obviously contributed to the propaganda that curtains the true state of her country, and her spending (since it can't all be donated) no doubt exacerbates the financial struggles of her subjects. However, the recent restrictions of the internet are more or less the fine work of her husband, and I would like to believe she has little power in this and other major political issues of her government. But if such is the case, then Rania needs to find the voice she tries so hard to give to other women and speak up for her people. Much of the criticism that does reach Rania is brushed aside as other people's insecurities and distrust; male insecurities of seeing a modern Muslim woman in power, citizens' distrust of a non-native Palestinian queen. To a certain extent, I can't argue with this, but only a very small portion of recent frustrations can be chalked up to such excuses. All is not well in Jordan, and whether the queen is blind to the suffering or completely aware and apathetic, she needs to stay home and start addressing the issues that plague the people she is immediately responsible for. Princess Diana didn't leave a legacy by leaving her country behind.
Author's Note: As many of you know, I have been a devoted follower of Queen Rania for over four years. I've admired much of her work, her accomplishments, and mostly, her heart. Since the publication of the Washington Post article and the resulting outcry of complaints about the reality of Jordan's situation, I have been painfully disenchanted, and I struggled greatly with the composition of this post. I fought the urge to defend her, and felt compelled to simply turn away, but couldn't. As I find it so difficult to discover people I can truly look up to, I grow weary of these wolves in sheep's clothing who continue to fool me. However, I will say that whatever the queen may be, the persona she has presented to me these past four years inspired me to be a better person and to make a difference in this world, so it wasn't all for naught.
With great apprehension, I will be sending a link of this blog to Rania through her Twitter account. Though I believe she never reads my writings, if perchance she discovers this one, I would like to encourage her to provide a response, one way or another, if anything, to help me understand.
the 2 airbuses Jordan received in 2010 are not for the king, but for Royal Jordanian, the country's national airline.
I think she had to stop her promotion tours, lavish holidays and take care of her poor country, with hungry teachers and parents who dont know how to feed their children, she has a lot of work. We are so disappointed by her and her husband! too much briefed with the media,but finaly we can see the true wich is difficult for the europeens who don't know tne country.
thanks for sharing your article with us and hope jordanian people feel more free and strong to express their reality.
Her dream is to be like Diana?!!!
No, she can stop dreams!
Diana is so unique in her work and spirit, Rania is an opportunist of media, power, fashion and finally became what we all hate: an affrous dictator!! and of course:
Shame on the programs who accept to receive her. Poor Jordan and Jordanians!!
what a horrible news! jordan is going so bad and jordanian punished by prison three years?
2 airbuses for jordanian? It's a joke! a bad joke! Jordanian are so poor to receive airbuses and even some freedom. rania has to stop her luxe shopping in europe and new york and see her reality: queen of a poor country and take exemple very quickly on other respectful royalty like mathilde or letizia our beloved princess of asturies.
Hmm and Mathilde and Letizia are not wearing designer cloths, are not shopping extensely and having lavish holidays? (the same with the late Princess Diana; btw. it's not Rania who wants to be like Diana, only some journalists like to compare her with Diana).
I doubt that anybody who wrote the comments here is from Jordan. And to the blogger herself: you should go yourself to Jordan and talk to real Jordanians there and not to some virtual "Jordanians" via the internet. There are problems in the country, yes. The gobal economic crisis had a big impact on the country and the king/government has to fix this now, but this is not so easy in a country with no natural ressources in a tough neighborhood between Israel/Palestine, Syria and Iraq, in a country which had to take in millions of refugees in the past with all the problems resulting from that, in a neighboorhod where democracy is not existing anywhere. Rania can only help, she is only the first lady and has herself no role in the government, and she is actually doing a lot. To mention some of the fundamental problems of the country: Real democracy would involve now a government/parliament etc. dominated by the Palestinian immigrants (they are now the majority), something that the native Jordanians would never accept - by no means; a real dilemma for anybody who wants reforms - at least as long as the future of the Palestinians in Jordan and the West Bank is unresolved. A recent article on thesse problems of the king:
And you may not belive it, but Royal Jordanian since its privatisation a flourishing company can afford the airbuses.
I just realised that the link doesn't work well:
it's Robert Fisk's article in the Independence: "The Palestinian Invasion" from July 22
And there is another article in French
I'm sure that no euroean country can agree a luxious way of life for her president or king in those difficult days, even the usa president can't see the Riviera this time whitout risquing a definitive reject. And of course, no european or american can accept to see them in yachts or their wives shopping like fashion victime.
I can agree with the person who chose Letizia as exemple. Princess consort and modern women, very intelligent and more then a wardrobe.
I sincerly think it's only the beginning of the fall. it's sad for a women to lost the respect of a world after so many photos and interviews but nothing real for her country apart of gossips on democracy, internet and hypocrit language.
Hope others respect my point of view and I have to say that the jordanian I know is from maan and he told me that there's NO free speech in jordan. today I think I bieleve him.
To the Americans here:
Large deposits of uranium were found in Jordan in recent years and the king and government are eager to develop these energy resources and a nuclear program to decrease the country's dependence on oil imports. That would help Jordan a lot to become economically independent and to overcome poverty. But although the king has continuously affirmed his willingness for transparency on all matters relating to the production of nuclear power plants the US probably to please Israel is demanding from Amman to commit to importing and buying its nuclear fuel for a lot of money instead of using its own uranium to produce energy. Why? to deny Jordan any economic independence? Or are the US really believing that its ally Jordan wants war with Israel?
@ Anonymous 12:44- Mathilde and Leticia are of more financially stable countries and while everyone is being hit hard with the current economy, the people of those countries are not suffering as much as the Jordanians, so it's not a fair comparison.
I would love to go to Jordan and meet with the real people, unfortunately I did not win QR's Twitvid contest and I can't afford the trip myself so I am at the mercy of "virtual Jordanians" and I have no reason to doubt their statements, which seem to coincide with the Washington Post article.
I do allow that Rania has done many things to improve the state, however I simply question her motives behind it, and I wonder if more could be done if they just focused on it and spent their money more wisely.
What do you expect from Michelle Obama in bettering the economic situation of the poor in the US? Of course, the queen could do more, but she is not part of the executive/government, she is just the queen consort (with a role not even existing in Jordan's constitution), and why should her motives behind her (good) work be bad? She could have decided to limit her role on ribbon cutting ceremonies and accompagning her husband on state visits (that's all that is expected from the wife of the king).
Many Jordanians who post are not 'virtual' but the internet is one of the few means they have of expressing an opinion of how their leaders are letting them down. If they say it in Jordan, they get beaten up by mukharabat and thrown into prison. You show your ignorance of the real situation if you think that everyone on the internet posting about the king and queen of Jordan's profligate lifestyle are just people 'posing' as Jordanians! I suppose the Washington Post reporters are 'pretend' journalists too?
Some people on these boards know Rania from years back before she even became engaged to Abdullah and she always was desperate for attention and had a very high opinion of herself. It has been stated on many occasions that Rania is the King's partner in more ways than just being his wife and bed partner. We see how much power she has, we know people who have been punished because they upset her inside Jordan so please do us a favour and stop bleating on that Rania has no power and is merely a queen consort as though she is all milk and honey and can't do anything to make things better inside Jordan. She has constantly courted the international press with stories of her business prowess, intellect and power to make a difference. She is all talk, anyone can talk. It takes no talent. And let us just say you were correct and all she could do is cut ribbons and stand behind her husband, jetting off constantly in a personal jet liner to the USA and Europe on personal trips to go shopping in couture houses and to pick up awards for her own vainglory is not exactly the best way to go about showing compassion and solidarity with your subjects who as you say are struggling with the global economic crisis in addition to poor leadership, corruption and repression. Perhaps YOU should go to Jordan and speak to real Jordanians instead of swallowing the queen's PR and condoning her Marie Antoinette lifestyle and attitudes to the people in Jordan! People who are intelligent enough to know what goes on inside their own country and don't need Rania apologists like you in the blogosphere to patronize them!
Yes Miss J and the European royalty's money has to be approved and ratified by their countries parliament and taxed and accounted for by the various treasuries. Unlike Jordan where nothing has to be declared and no clear accountancy takes place. There is no transparency in Jordan which there is in the European countries.
Speaking as a Jordanian we (and myself included) appreciate the work Her Majesty does to at home and abroad through promoting cross cultural dialogue and improving education as well empowering women within Jordan... As a Jordanian I'm very proud she is my Queen.
Anonymus 4.36 ff If I read correctly, the other guy said, that "she could have decided to limit her role on ribbon cutting ceremonies etc.", but decided to do more but is not the person who has the power in the country to make changes concerning the really important issues. (I think, you distorted a bit his/her) words). I do not think that this guy is completely wrong with that. IMO none of you both is totally right. She is neither a Marie-Antoinette nor an angle. And that public figures are enhancing their actions via PR is really nothing new.
A virtual Half-Jordanian with family living in Jordan
As a non-Arab married to an Arab but raised in a country that has a legacy that extends all over the world I get tired of this woman preaching to the West about how WE have to change our attitudes. WE who pay for her to live royally, WE who give billions of dollars in aid globally, WE who welcome people from all over the world to our shores. She never speaks about tolerance in the Arab Press unless it it is to score points by making out she has verbally slapped down the West. She needs to speak to Arab people about tolerance too as many of them have some of the most intolerant attitudes on this earth and not just to the West but to each other! Go preach somewhere else Queen Rania.
I saw her on the magazines plenty of times and although it says Queen Rania, its like she is not real royalty like Queen Elizabeth of England but like a movie star or something because her life is like Hollywood Confidential. I am 15 years old and thought she was nice and a role model but now I can see she is just a face for the camera because the background is not pretty. I am sorry she is like this.
miss J, I totally agree with you, and with the intelligent comments and free speech.
here in Jordan we called all the governments "Rania government"
her friends, members of her staff or foundation only can be in these governments!
We are tired by her "ridiculous ambition and so called initiative", even the Qods schools, normaly dependant of jordan from decades, today are puted with a pompous way in her own business! wHAT A RIDICULOUS QUEEN
Queen Rania stop sending a lot of photo to agencies and making your life a jet set style
you are queen of aid-dependant country and we are very tired to see miserable things and people who want to kill us because of your dictatorship on them!!! We pay you with our taxes, I pay for your bags! Oh God help me!
Give free speech to jordanians now!
they are afraid to speak?!! you are Horrible Majesty!
Thanks to the Washington Post, and even her frendship with the murdoch's and their media can nothing for her today, we all see the true!! bad, very bad
All the word know rania have the proeminent role in Jordan, so the great the responsability in all what became in her country.
unfortunatly, great deception from the queen of jordan
she has no future in the west countries
Rania'a government is the worst
لو الملك عبدالله تزوج على رانيا بيكون احسن
كل الارنيه بنفضل يكون ولي العهد حبيبنا الامير حمزه .
الله يديم سيدنا عبدالله
By: اردنيه 100%
شخصية زوجته رانيا المسيطرة والشائعات تقول بانها تضربه ولا نبالغ ولكن الحقيقة انه ضعيف شخصية وان رانيا هي من يدير الاردن وتحاول ان تظهر زوجها بمظهر قوي ورجولي فتراه يترك لحيته الخفيفة ويكشر قليلا في الصور ويحاول تتخين صوته والتحدث بجدية كي يخفي شخصيته الضعيفة والطفوليه وكل هذه الامور ورائها كادر متخصص لتؤدي المستوى المطلوب وتستاهل رانيا حكم الاردن فهي ذات قوام ممشوق ومغري وصورها في المسبح مع زوجها وهي تتركه لتذهب الى الجرسون خلابة
والله النفخ بملك أضاع البلد وأضاع شعبه بالغلاء الفاحش وكثرة الضرائب وفساد الحكومات المتناوبة وقراراتها المتهورة ؟؟!!
نعم الملك شبعان من يومه ، ولكن تساهله مع حرامية البلد حفاظاً على سلطته وعرشه هو الذي أضاع الشعب ومسح الطبقة المتوسطة ، لم يعد هنا في الأردن غير الفقراء (نحن) والحرامية فاحشي الثراء (هم)
اردني مقهور
البلد خربت من ورا الشحاده الي صارت ملكه
قبل لتروح تقرأ قصه للاطفال امريكا تروح اتضب الاطفال المشردين بالشوارع وتصرف على الفقر بدل ما تروح تنط كل يوم عند اوبرا ببرنامجها المسخره الي دائما بتخلي رانيا مسخره للشعب الكافر
هي لو بتستحي ما كنت مقضيتها دايره من بلد لبلد
"Don't need Rania apologists like you in the blogosphere to patronize us!"
I really love these words!
Great answer!
Many thanks, well said.
@ Anonymous (Aug 23rd, 7:08) I can appreciate that there are some in Jordan who are quite pleased with Rania and Abdullah, especially two friends of mine who are very devoted to their country and the royal family.
However, I've found at least with my friends and those people, most live in Amman and seem to be of the upper class. I can't say factually, but from my perspective it seems that those in the capital or close to it get more of the benefits of QR's efforts than people in the outskirts of Jordan. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
the king was in saudia kingdom, after bahrein and koweit, guess for what? to ask for some help and aid after his extravagant holidays with rania, to evit a revolt in his country.
run abdullah, run to catch some money !!
the independant and free speechs are not accepted by rania's friends, that's clear but we will continue.
rania said that she is the partner of her husband and they work as a team, but where are the results?
all the people want king hussein days
really a "hello-esque" queen. the western countriessee her without interest today after the WP article.
should be more careful with her country.
the only first lady on a yacht today!
she is in porto vecchio, visiting corsica on her yacht "the omega"!!!
and during rmadan, what does jordanians think?
Ramadan is a time of reflection, leading a quiet life and doing charitable works. Why is she holiday in Italy in Ramadan? Is Jordan not beautiful enough for her?
She is the head of state and the wife and mother of direct descendants of the Prophet (PBUH). During this holy month she should be helping the very poor citizens of Jordan, doing charity not spending money, on a huge yacht, visiting cafes etcetera whilst charity iftars have to be held in Jordan to allow the poorest people to be able to afford to break the fast.
To the poster who said she was not like Marie Antoinette, what do you call this behaviour and arrogance and lack of conscience?
The Jordanian people deserve a better person as queen.
sorry, I meant wife of the head of state in my post above.
hello magzine queen is 40 in three days and i think we will be told we have to go on the street and cheer for her. we should stay home and stay silent to let her majesty know WE DO NOT LIKE HER OR HOW SHE SPEND HOLIDAY ON YAHCT IN RAMADAN
Great deception!
going to france this days is like answer to the Washington Post article about hrr lavish holidays.
It's already the end of summer, and I think for muslim people it's ramadon.
I asked my lebanese friend and she told me that's horrible for this muslim women, a queen of muslim country, to seat in a porto vecchio café terrasse for a cold drink with her friends!!!!!
rania is killing herself by this visit out of time and irrespectuful to her people.
August 28, 2010 4:27 AM
it's not a mistake, she is really a head of state. she present herself like this. she said it's her "job"!!!
she is certainly preparing for a lavish birthday party, far away from the poor jordanians.
she is right. people are more beautiful and educated in France, and her friends will not suffer from the hot temperature in Jordan. it's all fine for her.
her husband will join her for the big party on the big yacht and Jordan can go to hell, it's not their problem; she said: "if they have hunger they can eat biscuits!! or do a diet like me, queen anorexia with big bank account!"
to the precedent comment, yes it's really a bad answer to the Washington Post.
But perhaps she get the idea before the article and don't want to disapoint her guests on the yacht, and also add some provocation to her people, and said that no one can stop her. not very respectful from a queen.
It's not time for holidays, she take lot of them from july to august, and same with her frequent travels.
Bad queen! why did she return to holidays during ramadan? she can't ask for drinks during ramadan day!
what a shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to the bikini queen if she decide to visit jordan, for a short time as always. We know she don't support our country, but she have to take some money and give some pictures for her propganda.
We hate this women. sea, sun and sand for her next to our poverty. We are tired and need solution.
not fasting, eating in gastronomic restaurant during ramadan, it's enough and we dob't tolerate.
Just as I was really starting to think I was too harsh on QR, the photos from France were published. It is close to her 40th birthday, which is a huge milestone for most and they mark it with a lavish celebration. But, it seems inappropriate to do such during Ramadan, or if you're going to celebrate, do so a little more privately.
It was inappropriate to get such a large and expensive yacht.
Poor queen, she want a mix from the look of letizia, the one shoulder top, and from Carla, the flat and the scraf, but certainly without class or any "chic".
After the stetson, like Elle Macpherson, there is the new mix of the nolely queen taking break in Italy.
What are you doing? a great humanitarian and actual catastrophe is still touching millions in Pakistan.
She can at least post a video on her youtube, not like a teenager tweet ten words.
She the "eminate advocate for children", what a pompous title taked without any respect.
She olso tries to copy Charlene with the one shoulder style, it's charlene signature.
It is very easy for the great humanitarian and humble queen to lecture us all via a Blackberry whilst she is on a multi million dollar yacht in the most expensive resorts in the Mediterranean, drinking, eating and dressing with her chest out for the world to see in Ramadan. Here's an idea your majesty, why not stop spending all the poor people's money on yourself and give it to charity in jordan!
Queen Rania is the Madoff of royalty! Nothing real, her speechs, her tweets about ramadan and refugees, children, education...are written by others for a foreign public
God Bless Angelina and Brad, truly great hearts!!
Perhaps she isn't happy with her family, so she stay only with sister and brother and keep far from royal family. I think she want to change her man, and be a cougar! I can't imagine for example Letizia celebrating birthday whitout Felipe! im-po-ssi-ble!!! a women who can be far from her husband in such day don't really care about him!! my own opinion and I guess I'm right for sure!!!
she have to wait and book another appropriate date to celebrate with friends and family.
She looks depressive in her last pictures. Dressed in a inclassy way, cheap dress too much revealing her breast, thanks to wonderbra bikini, because she has a so masculine shape, nothing to show if not heavily helped. However, she is not fine to do this to her people. Sad end for her. Friends told me that no one in her country or arab world will respect her and even her husband after this outragous behaviour, drinking, eating with her family in ramadane, respectful month for great majority of muslims, and this dress is the too much thing on the affair. not the time for this. All the world is under pressure and her country need help. And why showwing us this dress in Europe, we also see her with a very young girls, not more than ten ears with scarfs in schools. Very shocking like her bad dress choice.
Just a note, by respect to my muslim friends in work, I prefer to not eat when with them and they appreciate too much. It's really an honor to respect such things for people we love and I'm glad to do so.
Why not she isn't muslim anymore. She probabl convert to christianism.
And also, it's probaly not an obligation for all muslim to do ramadane, like other things.
Shis not hypocrical and it's a good thing. She had the choice to don't respect theancient commandement because she is modern in this modern life.
Christians abondonated this very religious critics for time.
Be more modern please and only talk about some poor children in her country she can help when returned home more relaxed.
She has to support more her husband wich is in WWasihngton for the middle east peace talks, more important than this incoherant travel.
Even <khadafi impressed us in Italy this day. We can welcome every dictator if he pay!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous 31 August 11:10
It is not a choice to fast in Ramadan. It is one of the 5 pillars of Islam
1. Shahadah - Profession of faith
2. Prayer - Prayer
3. Zakat - Charity, money given as a proportion of wealth
4. Sawm - Ritual Fasting e.g. Ramadan
5. Hajj - Pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime
These are non-negotiable parts of being a Muslim. The only time one can be excused fasting is through pregnancy, illness, travelling (and we do NOT mean holidays for pleasure!!!, breastfeeding mothers, small children.
She was on a pleasure cruise. She is the wife of a man who claims DIRECT descent from the Prophet Mohammed and therefore the mother of a DIRECT descendant. She is a woman who likes to tell the West how proud she is to be Muslim and then does this? It shows the incongruence between her words and her actions which very rarely bear any resemblence.
As for being more rested to help the children at home in Jordan, she does hardly anything for the Jordanian people. She is NEVER in the country and she leaves at the first excuse she gets. She has more holidays than most people in the world, lives a high lifestyle with servants, nannies and has people to do everything except deliver her speeches. Every other weekend she gets on her private jetliner for 'private visits' ( = holidays) in London.
This has exposed her for what she is - a FAKE, a HYPOCRITE, PLASTIC SURGERY 'QUEEN' who lives the high life off the backs of the poor people in Jordan. Where do you think the money for her lifestyle comes from? DONATED money, money that could be spent in Jordan on people who need help. That is why she isn't popular in Jordan because she does nothing to help people in her own country and who she is supposed to represent.
Show us your real face! Nothing noble!
Aqueen of a poor country doing this? and planning for a very extravagant party in Petra the 10 of september for firends of show presenters, singers...!
And giving the worl a poor photo of her birthday, just evident it's cinema: her children seems not in the movie, one with her wet hair, one without smile, the other is just curious about a ridiculous cake, the seems all arriving just to take the photo and return to play. all CINEMA BAD CINEMA.
No one is so naif today in the world.
the worse thing in her twitter photo is that they closed the windows to not show the sunny day and rania and her family not respecting the fasting of ramadan day in their home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is her family very wealthy?
Please, can some one translate what is written in Arabic?
many thanks
Finally someones says she respect the fasting of ramadan!
We see, yes we see, in the photos by international agencies, the wife of her brother drinking from a boottle next to the vegetebles store in corsica! very clear and in the mid day.
For rania, we see her family, specialy her sister husband eating what looks like a "Homard" on the yacht the day of her arrival.
We are not blind people even they want us so. A young woman present her a cold drink when arrived. We NEVER see a styled employees of a yacht serving drink to someone making fast! It would be horrible, specially for her in her position.
Drinks, food are on the table. Her family and she, are clearly not respecting ramadan, from clothes to other things.
And yes, it's too much for this country to pay this yacht.
If it was a president or king wife of a democratic country, those things don't would be so easy to explain.
Really shame and I say with others:Madoff of Jordan.
who said we love her , am jordanian and cant stand seein her on tv
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